Win a Dinner Date with Murder Defendant, Karen Read.🥂
Tuesday Briefing: Defense Team Raffle, Past Larceny Charges in the Read Family, and more.
This past week was seemingly uneventful in regard to the court docket in the Karen Read case…
However —
The Read family was QUITE the talking point online for several reasons.
Here’s what you may have missed:
A raffle is being held to WIN a dinner date with murder defendant, Karen Read (and her Hollywood attorney, Alan Jackson).
Yes, you read that right.
Time with Karen is a prize to win.🤨
This is the second time this raffle has been held, but the first dinner date was with Karen and her other attorney, David Yannetti last year.
The fact that people are actually paying money in hopes of winning a Meet & Greet over bread and wine with a woman who was charged with killing a man in a drunken rage is a concept that I just can’t wrap my mind around.
As if this isn’t *yikes* enough…
Karen Read’s brother, Nathan Read, who has been at the forefront of asking for donations for his sister’s defense fund was apparently charged with two counts of felony larceny back in 2018.
Yes, you heard that right…
The court documents surfaced online and show that he paid a restitution just under $25,000. Somehow though, he continued a career in financing at a Lexus dealership in Rhode Island after this legal issue ended with his former employer.
This means that two out of the three Read siblings have been charged with a felony at some point in their life. The only sibling who has no criminal record appears to be estranged from Karen Read.
On top of all this…
Nathan was seen at a standout for his sister telling the media that they (the Reads) are “not a wealthy family”. As he uttered those words, he was wearing a designer jacket retailing for about $1,400.00, and his father — who wore a jacket that appears to be retailing for about $875 — was seen with Karen Read on the same weekend driving around in a Lexus worth about $90,000.
Let’s put this into context…
The average annual American salary is LESS than what their vehicle is worth.
But the Read’s want supporters to know that they are “not a wealthy family”.
Karen was also noted to be wearing designer clothing throughout her trial last Spring, dining at upscale restaurants with her multiple attorneys (including Hollywood attorney, Alan Jackson who flies across country on a regular basis to defend Karen).
Despite raising $600,000+ from donations, the fundraising continues with a goal of $2,000,000.
If you want a more detailed highlight on the Karen Read financial situation, a fellow trial watcher on X did a great video HERE.