The Ongoing Harassment of Colin Albert
FKR Conspiracy Pushers continue to thrust the gas pedal as they aim accusations at a young man with an alibi.
This tagline has been consistently used by the FREE KAREN READ (FKR) conspiracy pushers to publicly accuse a college-aged kid of murdering Boston Police Officer, John O’Keefe.
Despite that many of these same people admit that they are unsure if Colin Albert actually did physically harm the victim…
The fanatical conspiracy mob has doubled down on the harassment with zero concerns about the impact of their actions.

The online (and in-person) harassment continues, despite that…
All the witnesses testified that John — the victim — never entered the Fairview home on that fateful night, nor did John’s geolocation show that he even left the area of the front property where Karen’s vehicle was last seen (and where John’s body was found hours later under the snow).
John was still at the Waterfall bar on security camera at 12:11am when Colin received the text from his sober ride home, Allie McCabe, stating “here” when she pulled up to the Fairview house at 12:10am.
John’s phone registered his final steps on the Fairview home lawn near the road at 12:32am.
Photos of Colin proving he had no injured knuckles about a week and a half after the crime was admitted into evidence for Karen Read’s trial. An injured knuckle photo taken about a month after John died has been used online to allege Colin was involved in John’s death. Colin testifies that he slipped on ice while holding an object (he believes his phone) and didn’t want to drop it. He fell forward and skimmed his hand from the fall. That injury is a moot issue since there is earlier proof it didn’t occur the night of John’s death.
The conspiracy theorist mob doesn’t care about all the evidence showing this kid was not involved in the death of John O’Keefe. They make excuses for it all.
Whatever doesn’t fit their narrative is brushed away as photoshopped evidence as they simultaneously demand that Colin (who was a teenager at the time of John’s death) had the character of someone who would be the murderer.
They point to photos of him drinking at teen parties, snapchat clips of him saying stupid things to his high school sport’s team rivals, and video of him singing to rap lyrics…
THESE are their staple reasonings that I see online for why he allegedly killed JOHN.
If that’s the case…
Anyone who grew up in my generation should be on the suspect list as well.
As if wildly accusing witnesses of a murder online is not reckless enough…
The local conspiracy mob has become SO consumed about their conspiracy theories that they have turned the harassment into a joyous and fun way to market the narrative everywhere they go.
This past Spring, during the closing arguments in the murder trial against drunk-driver, Karen Read, defense attorney, Alan Jackson, used the the phrase…
“If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it’s a duck.”
AND from this cliche statement —
The “rubber ducky” was adopted as a token used in the ongoing attempt to accuse witnesses of murder & a murder coverup.
Colin Albert - a young man new to adulthood - has endured 2 years of full grown adults behaving like immature, bully teenagers. The impacts this has caused on his life are irreparable.
Colin Albert made Bridgewater State University’s football team, which is a huge accomplishment.
Unfortunately though —
He made the painful decision to withdraw from the team due to the harassment that conspiracy theorists caused on him, the team and school.
He tried to continue attending classes in-person, but the stress of these allegations forced him to skip out on the social aspect of campus life altogether. He is currently enrolled in online courses.
The mob harassment has made his life unbearable at times.
BUT that’s clearly been their goal.
The loudest mouthpiece pushing the “COLIN DID IT” conspiracy allegations is the blogger, Aidan Kearney (aka - Turtleboy). I wrote about his cult leader qualities in an article HERE if you haven’t read it yet.
Turtleboy is quoted in this affidavit snippet above stating…
“I’m trying to put her (Jill Daniels) like godson/nephew (Colin Albert) in jail. And, you know, kind of like, destroy their life.”
He’s made many other statements that blatantly show his intent to harass Colin Albert.
Here’s another…
“I go down to your (Colin’s dad, Chris) pizza shop and I stand out there for an hour, and I yell shit about your son. I just shit ALL OVER your child, Chris. Your middle child. I go down there and I shit all over him, and I accuse him of the most heinous things possible.”
Turtleboy is facing over a dozen witness intimidation felony charges, and his trial is expected to be in 2025. He has not slowed down on his efforts to harass, and he defends his behaviors by claiming they are his fundamental American right.
Witness intimidation is not protected speech under the First Amendment, so many people are hopeful that these charges will finally put this vile man behind bars for years.
Not only is Turtleboy facing potential decades in prison, but another man has also now been charged with felony witness intimidation.
Richard Schiffer, a 65-year old local to Canton, is charged with purposely (and on many different occasions) littering rubber duckies and fake money near witnesses’ homes, their place of business, and even the street where the victim’s adopted (and double orphaned) kids currently live in an effort to provoke and harass. A majority of the props he littered were intentionally tagged with stamps and stickers stating the allegations…
The front of the fake bills were stamped with Justice for BPO John O’Keefe, thus clearly connecting the victim’s name with the accusations that Colin was responsible for his death.
Richard Schiffer recently stood on the front of the courthouse steps after a hearing regarding his charges, and preached about how people need to stop being “pussies”.
(GUYS - sometimes I have to stop and wonder if this is real life I’m watching.)
Here’s a strange clip of a local conspiracy theory pusher named Tom. You can see the rubber ducky symbol and stickers used to smear and intimidate Colin in this video.
How low CAN adults go when consumed with their own conspiracy theories, and their obsession with trying to push their beliefs onto everyone else?
Clearly, VERY LOW.
How embarrassed am I for these grown adults who behave in such callous and self-entitled ways?
I wish I could say that the risk of actual jail time would have slowed the conspiracy mob down at all…
BUT it hasn’t.
In fact —
They are now mocking the WI charges and have chosen to gaslight the community by pretending like the ducks have no harmful intentions whatsoever.
Some of the conspiracy groupies bought duck costumes, showed up at the town’s family Halloween parade, and even handed out rubber ducky toys to trick-or-treaters to try and portray how innocent this conspiracy movement is…
However, it’s clear as day EXACTLY what this is…
Gaslighting efforts by immature and cruel adults pretending like they haven’t participated in the tormenting of someone’s son.
Rita Lombardi - who posted the “Rubber duckies are fun and friendly” statement above, is the same lady in pink shirt below posing with a “fun and friendly” costume accusing someone’s son of murder.